Tag Archives: monetize blog
Diving Platform
Today we’re pulling into the homestretch with a little thing I like to call Platform. After you’ve decided to blog on a topic you’re Passionate about, and not just relied on advertising for revenue but also created Programs for brands, it’s time to think broad about monetization. I’m asking you to consider income from your blog as not just money directly related to what’s happening on the screen, but to count all the off screen activities and opportunities the blog qualifies you to pursue. And that’s what I call a Platform.
3-P’s to Profitability
“But how do you monetize your blog?” I get asked that all the time. When I was on book tour last year, I heard it from readers of my blog who were enamored with the possibility of making money from their own online pursuits. Journalists, public relations professionals, marketers, frustrated employees—all of them wonder if could they harness an online income stream, and ask my advice for immediate success. When I reply that there’s no easy answer, their eyes glaze over. Until I tell them to stick with me while I relate JP’s 3-P Perspective on Blog Profitability: Passion, Program, Platform.
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