40, Love

Perfect Pippa

Coming Up: Frida's wedding behavior takes the cake.

Sometimes celebrities rise to the occasion and surprise you. I should have learned that lesson in my days slaving as a publicist for famous faces like Tyra and Vanessa.  But as our wedding approached this past June, the thing that worried me most was not the weather or my mother-in-law, but the behavior of our diva bridesmaid.  Frida had acted out at her last dress fitting and seemed unhappy by the level of chaos in our home.  Come wedding day, however, she put all that behind her and put on quite the show.  With the crowd admiring her purple brocade and orange taffeta outfit (designed by KO Couture, styling by Valerie/Critter Outfitter), she truly became our own perfect Pippa.  Here then is a look at our nuptials through Frida’s eyes.

Exhaustive prep

Checking last minute preparations at Ft. Tryon Park

Showing off her couture dress

With her personal publicist/handler Karen

Supervising the Hawkins-Fox family photo shoot

With the entire family

Her throne

"She actually seemed bored," recalled guest Bryan K.

Entertaining one of her admirers

It's clear the real draw was not the couple, but Frida.

Holding court at the reception

A leaked photo of her bridesmaid dress inspired knock-offs from cousins

Making a quiet getaway

Off to her country home to escape the paparazzi

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